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Crispy Brussels Sprouts with Goat Cheese and Pepper Jelly

Crispy Brussels sprouts 🔥🔥with salty bacon 🥓 pieces glazed with sweet and spicy🌶🌶 Pepper-jelly for a nice tang and creamy goat 🐐 cheese. These are sure to up your side piece game‼️‼️  



• 1 bag of Brussels sprouts  

 • 4 strips bacon 🥓   

•  Half onion 🧅  

 • Pepper jelly of choice  

 • Goat cheese of choice  

 • Oil  

 • Salt and pepper   


 1. Steam the Brussels slightly. I throw them in a Ziplock and microwave for 3 minutes. Once removed and cooled trim the end and half. Discard and ugly leaves.  

2. Chop up bacon 🥓 and cook in an oven safe pan ( I use cast iron) until starting to change color. Add onions 🧅 and cook till slightly translucent and bacon is starting to crisp. 

 3. Add 2 tbsp oil and crank up heat. Throw in Brussels and combine well with oils. Season with salt and pepper. Brussels should start to stick and caramelize.   

4. Add pan to a 425 oven on convection if you have it. Cook until outer leaves of Brussels are crisp.  

 5. Melt Pepper-jelly in microwave and drizzle over brussels. Crumble goat cheese on top.

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